However, such “objects” do not appear to have any per-instance properties. A bit of a mix between an object layer and a tile layer. So it’s like a Tiled Object, but it always snapped to the course tile grid, and is rendered as a pattern tiles from the tileset image. When you select an “object” from the tileset and paint with it or resize an existing “instance”, it automatically tiles and repeats in a pre-defined pattern. Indeed the “tilsets” are not individual 1x1 tiles, but NxM objects that are painted into the scene. In Reggie, the tileset seems to be more “object” based rather than tile based. I’ve been referring to Reggie (the unofficial New Super Mario Bros Wii level editor) and Mario Maker along the way, and I’ve noticed they both have interesting tile/object editing features, based around a more abstract tileset. I’ve been using Tiled as a level editor for a Super Mario Bros clone and it’s been great to work with.